Healthy School Lunches

Parents today recognize the importance of feeding their children healthy nutritious foods. The problem is that the cafeteria has become just another franchise; foods aren't healthy and well-balanced. Vending machines offer chips, cookies, sodas-all kinds of other junk foods that children shouldn't be eating. This creates a challenge to parents that many have decided to ignore.

Although programs have begun to appear over the past few years addressing the problem with cafeteria food, the fact is that not much has changed. The majority of entrees served on school campuses are still full of additives, preservatives, and carbohydrate rich. While school lunches have improved since Congress set higher standards in 2010, there is still along way to go. 

When it comes to making sandwiches for your children parents should avoid white bread as it contains bleached flour. Additional poor sandwich choices include peanut butter which has hydrogenated oil; and as much as parents want to believe differently, jelly is not a source of fruit but is high in processed sugar. Pre-packaged, processed meats and cheeses should also be avoided as they are high in chemicals and salt. Better sandwich choices include gluten-free bread and almond butter as well as trying to incorporate vegetables into a sandwich as much as possible. Baked turkey or chicken with lettuce, cucumbers, and red peppers in a healthy wrap make a tasty protein option.

Most children don't consider a meal as lunch unless there are chips and cookies included. However, these are not healthy options. The side dishes for your children should be tasty green vegetables, remember the greener the better. Fruit is also another great side dish. Serve fruit just once for every five servings of vegetables. Remember that the fruit should be fresh, organically grown if possible; fruit roll-ups are not fruit. 

No one knows better than your own child what they're going to eat, so let them help you prepare their lunches. It's important that your children like their lunches but it's more important that their bodies get the vitamins, minerals and nutrients they need to develop and grow properly. 

To learn more about what you can do to pack a healthy school lunch, read the full newsletter here.

Resources: Dr. Claudia Anrig-The Wellness Family

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