Back to School Neck, Back, and Shoulder Pains

back to school

The use of backpacks, sitting for too long, and poor posture may contribute to shoulder, neck, and back pain among many high school, college, and vocational students. This can affect the learning of your child. Thanks to chiropractic care, you shouldn’t be in pain when returning to school. At Paunicka Chiropractic Clinic serving Urbana, IL, and Champaign, IL, we offer natural treatments for a pain-free lifestyle.

Causes of Back to School Pains

After an eventful holiday, it doesn’t take long to identify signs of fatigue and misalignments in the body, especially when you are deep into school activities. People of all ages can suffer from pains and aches here and there. Heavy backpacks put a strain on the shoulder and neck, leading to pain.

Besides, sitting for an extended period with a poor posture strains your body, resulting in aches. Also, spending too much time on your computer or phone is likely to cause more than eye strain. As you lean forward to interact with your digital screen, this stresses your back and shoulders, leading to pain.

If your body is complaining about musculoskeletal pain, seek chiropractic services for pain relief.

Neck, Back, and Shoulder Pain Treatment

You shouldn’t be distracted by common pains and aches. Instead, please book an appointment with a chiropractor on our team for pain relief. Once we diagnose the cause of the pain, treatment may include:

  • Chiropractic adjustments: We manipulate your key joints to remove misalignments that hinder the optimal functioning of your body.
  • Lifestyle counseling: We can recommend lifestyle changes, including posture correction, weight reduction, and a proper diet to reduce your shoulder, neck, and back pain.
  • Chiropractic exercises: We can teach you simple stretching exercises to reduce pain, improve mobility, and add resilience to your muscles and joints to reduce future injuries.
  • Rehabilitation: We can devise a personalized rehabilitation plan to resolve your spinal issues.

Visit Us for Chiropractic Care from a Chiropractor on Our Team

Whether your child has acute or chronic pain, our chiropractic team can help with pain management. If you are in Urbana, IL, or Champaign, IL, call us at (217) 367-3333 to book an appointment with Paunicka Chiropractic Clinic for shoulder, neck, and back pain relief.

Our Locations

Office Hours


8:00 am-2:00 pm

4:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-2:00 pm


8:00 am-2:00 pm

4:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm


8:00 am-2:00 pm

4:00 pm-6:00 pm






Reviews From our Satisfied Patients

  • "Dr. Mark is great. He has helped me twice with a pinched nerve. Last year I was in so much pain I could barely walk. He takes the time to explain the treatment. Everybody in the office are very friendly and helpful. Always enjoy discussing Purdue and the Illini. Love the Illini Treatment Room!"
  • "I am lucky to have been in the care of both Doctors Paunicka for several years. Their care has allowed me to continue to walk and even dance!! My husband's spine surgeon approved and recommended Dr Paunicka! For the pain in my neck, back and lower back, I know that they will be able to help me. Having been to others, I can most highly recommend them to all!!!. My sincere thanks for the wonderful care!! It has saved my life!!!"