Whiplash & How to Treat It


Whiplash is a common auto accident injury that can disrupt many people's lives. Often, those who suffer from it assume it will simply go away on its own. In some mild cases, this may be true, but it's always wise to know what to do if you sustain this type of auto accident injury. Our team at Paunicka Chiropractic Clinic in Urbana has put together this quick guide to help you recognize the symptoms and know the steps to take.

What is Whiplash?

Whiplash occurs when the head is forced into a rapid forward and backward motion that extends the neck beyond its normal range of motion. This creates small tears in the neck's soft tissues and can lead to additional issues such as misalignment and herniated discs.

What are the Symptoms?

Whiplash is typically hard to ignore, as the symptoms make themselves well-known. Two of the most recognizable symptoms are stiffness and pain in the neck. It can be challenging to move your head at all due to these symptoms. Many people also experience pain in the shoulders, arms, and upper back, as well as headaches, blurry vision, trouble concentrating, dizziness, and chronic fatigue.

How to Treat Whiplash

It's essential to see a chiropractor for whiplash for two important reasons:

  • There may be other injuries that you are unaware of.
  • It usually does not heal completely on its own.

Due to stiffness and pain, however, many people are afraid of visiting a chiropractor – but you don't have to be. Your treatment will begin with gentle therapies that address the pain and stiffness. Only after that is addressed will adjustments and other treatments take place.

Your chiropractor will also talk you through steps you can take at home. These often include a combination of heat and ice therapy, along with targeted but gentle stretches that can help reduce inflammation and restore your range of motion.

Heal from Whiplash with Our Chiropractor in Urbana, IL

Leave whiplash in your past with the help of our team at Paunicka Chiropractic Clinic. Call our team today at (217) 367-3333 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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4:00 pm-6:00 pm


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8:00 am-2:00 pm

4:00 pm-6:00 pm






Reviews From our Satisfied Patients

  • "Dr. Mark is great. He has helped me twice with a pinched nerve. Last year I was in so much pain I could barely walk. He takes the time to explain the treatment. Everybody in the office are very friendly and helpful. Always enjoy discussing Purdue and the Illini. Love the Illini Treatment Room!"
  • "I am lucky to have been in the care of both Doctors Paunicka for several years. Their care has allowed me to continue to walk and even dance!! My husband's spine surgeon approved and recommended Dr Paunicka! For the pain in my neck, back and lower back, I know that they will be able to help me. Having been to others, I can most highly recommend them to all!!!. My sincere thanks for the wonderful care!! It has saved my life!!!"